Waldron Tate Bowen Land LLC sometimes publishes or posts articles, presentations or news spots and other information on this website to apprise clients and others about new developments of interest to potential clients. No attorney-client relationship is created with Waldron Tate Bowen Land LLC through transmission or receipt of this information.

Until a fully executed representation agreement is entered into, if ever, Individuals or entities contacting this site should not assume that they have retained Waldron Tate Bowen Land LLC to represent them or render services until such time. All information provided on this website is general in nature, may not be current in terms of recent developments in the law, and does not constitute legal advice regarding any specific or general matter or issue. Until first obtaining advice from legal or other professional counsel regarding the law applicable to a particular set of facts, Individuals or entities obtaining information from this website should not act on it. In no event will Waldron Tate Bowen Land LLC be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from an individual’s or entity’s use of information from this website.

PLEASE NOTE: Despite appropriate precautions, email and other forms of electronic communications cannot be completely protected against disclosure to someone other than the intended recipient. As a result, we cannot and do not make any representation that emails transmitted are entirely private. You should not transmit any information by email that you deem to be confidential until you have established an attorney-client relationship with the firm. By accepting the terms of this Disclaimer, you acknowledge that the firm has no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you transmit to us unless we have already agreed to represent you or we later agree to do so.

The information found on the Waldron Tate Bowen Land LLC website may be downloaded, printed or otherwise copied for your personal use or for the personal use of others in your organization, provided that the above copyright statement is placed on any and all such copies that are made. You may create links to our website. Except as authorized by this paragraph, we do not grant a license under any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right in any such downloaded, printed or otherwise copied materials.



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